Imagine having environmentally friendly hardwood floors in your home that is low VOC? Lifecore Floors was one of my amazing sponsors for this recent One Room Challenge and I remember how excited I was to learn that the Lifecore floors- Anew Gentling that I chose for my One Room Challenge closet makeover was a green product and additionally such a beauty!  Volatile organic compounds(VOC) are emitted into your home and can have an adverse effect on your indoor air quality, your family health and be an irritant to those with allergies and asthma. Lifecore Floors are third party tested, and exceed the strictest chemical emission limits for VOC.

Having a toddler who loves to play on the floor, I find it comforting that when she is in the closet(which is quite often), she is being exposed to a healthy environment. LIFECORE’s innovative, ZERO-ADD® technology allows the production of flooring that has among the lowest levels of formaldehyde on the market, without affecting the performance or durability of the product.

Thanks again to Lifecore Floors for their sponsorship of my One Room Challenge closet makeover. xx